What is the difference between HTML tags
and ?

We can use both DIV and SPAN tags as a Container, as they both have their own specialty. Both are HTML5 tags. First let us discuss about DIV Tag in detail with examples.


DIV helps in separating the data like text, images, navigation bar etc., we can also create particular sections by using the DIV tag, it consists of open and close tags <DIV> </DIV>, both open and close tags are compulsory if we want to divide the page.

DIV tags can be styled with CSS or manipulated with JavaScript, it is easily styled by using the class or id attribute. Any sort of data can be placed inside the <div> tag.


It is an inline element used to make smaller part of content with the help of CSS or JavaScript. Within block elements, we can insert multiple span tags.

It is an inline element used to make smaller part of content with the help of CSS or JavaScript. Within block elements, we can insert multiple span tags.

Difference between DIV tag and SPAN tag in HTML

The following table differentiates between the DIV tag and SPAN tag in HTML −

SPAN tag is called as Inline-level elementDIV tag is called as Block-level element
SPAN tag used for group the smaller part of content together.DIV tag used for grouping large content together
SPAN tags are not necessary to nestedDIV tags are generally nested

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