Should I write my script in the body or the head of the HTML?

In HTML, the script tag can be inserted either in head section or in body section, generally the java script code is inserted between script open and close tags.

   //JavaScript code here

We can insert any number of scripts in an HTML document. Scripts can be placed in <body>, or <head> section or in both of an HTML page. Now, let’s see if there is any difference if we insert script in body or head of HTML.

It is better to place the java script before closing of the <body> tag rather than in <head> section of HTML.

HTML always follow top down approach to execute the program, if we write java script in head section, first java script is loaded later HTML code, then it creates some problems such as −

  • If java script causes any errors, next it won’t read our HTML content, it display’s error.
  • If java script code is more, then the page that we are accessing becomes slow to display the HTML content. Because all JavaScript code is loaded before it loads HTML and it slowdowns the server.

In order to overcome these drawbacks. It is better to write the JavaScript code before the closing braces of body tag.

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