How Inheritance Works in Constructor Functions in JavaScript?

In this article we will be discussing how inheritance works in JavaScript and how you can make use of this OOPS characteristic inside the constructor function in JavaScript.

We will also be touching a little upon the prototype object in JavaScript. Therefore, some prior knowledge on the same is highly appreciated.

In JavaScript, inheritance is a mechanism by which an object can inherit properties and methods from another object. This can be achieved using constructor functions and the prototype property.

When creating a constructor function, you can use the prototype property to add properties and methods to the constructor function’s prototype object. These properties and methods are then inherited by any objects created using the constructor function.


Let us understand the same with the help of following example −

function Person(name, age) { = name;
   this.age = age;
Person.prototype.getName = function() {

In this example, the Person constructor function has a name and age property and a getName method. Any object created using the Person constructor function will have these properties and methods inherited from the prototype.

You can also create a new constructor function that inherits from an existing constructor function by using the call or apply method to call the parent constructor function and passing in this as the first argument.


overall, in JavaScript, constructor functions can be used to create objects that inherit properties and methods from a parent object, this can be achieved by adding properties and methods to the constructor function’s prototype object, or by creating a new constructor function that inherits from an existing constructor function.

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