JavaScript Math Methods

The JavaScript Math is a built-in object that provides properties and methods for mathematical constants and functions to execute mathematical operations. It is not a function object, not a constructor. 

The Math functions consist of methods and properties. Following is the list of methods used with the Math object:

1. Math.round()

This method provides the value of the given number to a rounded integer. It can be written as:
Math.round(x), where x is a number.

2. Math.pow()

It provides the value of x to the power of y. It can be written as:
Math.pow(x, y), where x is a base number and y is an exponent to the given base.

3. Math.sqrt()

It gives the square root of a given integer. It can be written as:
Math.sqrt(x), where x is a number.

4. Math.abs()

It provides the absolute i.e. positive value of a number. It can be written as:
Math.abs(x); where x is a number.

5. Math.ceil()

It gives a smaller number, which is greater or equal to the given integer. It can be written as:
Math.ceil(x); where x is a number

6. Math.floor()

It gives a larger number, which is lesser or equal to the given integer. It can be written as:
Math.floor(x); where x is a number.

7. Math.sin()

It provides a sine of the given number. It can be written as:
Math.sin(x); where x is a number.

8. Math.cos()

It provides cosine of the given number. It can be written as:
Math.cos(x); where x is a number

9. Math.min() and Math.max()

The min() method is used to display the lowest value of the given arguments. It can be written as:
Math.min(val1, val2………valn); where val1, val2………valn are numbers.

The max() method is used to display the highest value of the given arguments. It can be written as:
Math.max(val1, val2………valn); where val1, val2………valn are numbers.

10. Math.random()

It provides a random number between 0 and 1. It can be written as:

11. Math.acos()

It provides an arccosine of an integer. It can be written as:
Math.acos(x); where x is a number.

12. Math.asin()

It provides arcsine of an integer. It can be written as:
Math.asin(x); where x is a number.


Let us see few examples for the above some methods of JavaScript Math Functions:



<!DOCTYPE html>
<p id="abs_demo"></p>
document.getElementById("abs_demo").innerHTML = Math.abs(-5.6);


Math.abs() JavaScript



<!DOCTYPE html>
<p id="ceil_demo"></p>
document.getElementById("ceil_demo").innerHTML = Math.ceil(7.8);


Math.ceil() JavaScript



<!DOCTYPE html>
<p id="floor_demo"></p>
document.getElementById("floor_demo").innerHTML = Math.floor(5.8);


Math.floor() JavaScript



<script type = "text/javascript">
var value = Math.sin( 4.5 );
document.write("First Value : " + value );
var value = Math.sin( 90 );
document.write("<br />Second Value : " + value );
var value = Math.sin( Math.PI/2 );
document.write("<br />Third Value : " + value );


Math.sin() JavaScript



<script type = "text/javascript">
var value = Math.cos(90);
document.write("First Value : " + value );
var value = Math.cos(-1);
document.write("<br />Second Value : " + value );
var value = Math.cos(2*Math.PI);
document.write("<br />Third Value : " + value );



Math.min() and Math.max()


<!DOCTYPE html>
Minimum Value: <p id="min_demo"></p>
Maximum Value: <p id="max_demo"></p>
document.getElementById("min_demo").innerHTML =
Math.min(40, 87, 55, 25, 78, 14);
document.getElementById("max_demo").innerHTML =
Math.max(50, 90, 55, 25, 78, 14);


Math.min() and Math.max()



<script type = "text/javascript">
var value = Math.random( );
document.write("First Value : " + value );
var value = Math.random( );
document.write("<br />Second Value : " + value );
var value = Math.random( );
document.write("<br />Third Value : " + value );





<script type = "text/javascript">
var value1 = Math.acos(-1);
document.write("First Value : " + value1 );
var value2 = Math.acos(null);
document.write("<br />Second Value : " + value2 );
var value3 = Math.acos(30);
document.write("<br />Third Value : " + value3 );
var value4 = Math.acos("string");
document.write("<br />Fourth Value : " + value4 );



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