Differentiate between th & thead tags in HTML Table

Before we learn about the difference, it is important to understand that both the <th> and <thead> tags are utilized to provide headers in HTML tables. However, the <th> tag is used to provide a header in a table cell, whereas the <thead> tag is used to provide a header for a table group.

Both tags are not replaced with one another, and the outputs will remain unchanged, Because the distinction can only be understood by developers or browsers.

Let’s dive into the article to get a better understanding of the difference between <th> and <thead> tags in HTML tables.

HTML <th> tag

In HTML, a table essentially consists of two components − header cells and data cells. The HTML <th> tag specifies the heading for a table cell. To make it simple for everyone and locate the header of a column, the header of each cell in a table is always bold and centered by default; and every <td> tag representing a data cell has a direct connection to it.


Following is the syntax for HTML <th> tag


HTML <thead> tag

The <thead> tag aids the browser or search engine in identifying the location of the table’s header within the table’s body. <tbody> and <tfoot> are supported by this tag. There must be one <tr> tag inside of <thead> in order to use this tag in the tables. This element also works well when a larger table that has multiple pages needs to be printed since it makes it possible for the table’s header and footer to be printed at the top and bottom of the page.


Following is the syntax for HTML <thead> tag

      <th> </th>
      <th> </th>

Difference between <th> and <thead> tags

Let’s look into some of the difference between <th> and <thead> tag

<th> tag<thead> tag
It belongs to the inline-block element family.It is a particular type of block-level element.
It gives users the ability to distinguish between header and data cells.It enables the user to support separate table head and foot scrolling.
It specifies the cell’s header.It describes a group table’s heading.
Users can see the header because it is bold.The users cannot see the header.
It’s a header for a column.It’s a heading for a table.
The table itself contains the output.Users cannot see the output; it is only functional for browsers.
It has an impact on the table’s design.It has no impact on the design.
The vertical headers at the start or end of each row are specified.It specifies the full-width horizontal header.

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