Reserved words in JavaScript

Reserved words of the JavaScript language are listed below. (Some of these words are actually used in the Java language, and are reserved in JavaScript for compatibility…

JavaScript: Switch vs. If Else

A switch statement is usually more efficient than a set of nested ifs. When you have to choose which one to use, it’s based on readability and…

Operators In JavaScript 

The concept of Operators is present in almost all programming languages present in today’s world. Operators are used to perform certain operations.  What Is an Operator? In simple terms,…

Class in JavaScript

JavaScript uses prototypal inheritance: every object inherits properties and methods from its prototype object. The prototypal inheritance can emulate the classic class inheritance. To bring the traditional…

Arguments vs Parameters in JavaScript

Arguments are the optional values you pass to a function through an invocator. And parameters are the names you assign to the values. Syntax of Arguments vs. Parameters We specify…

JavaScript Events: Bubbling, Capturing, and Propagation

A basic example of a JavaScript event Events, in JavaScript, are occurrences that can trigger certain functionality, and can result in certain behaviour. A common example of…

Understanding ‘strict mode’ in JavaScript.

JavaScript’s strict mode, introduced in ECMAScript 5, is a way to opt into a restricted variant of JavaScript.using strict mode will make many changes in the general…

Browser Object Model – BOM in Javascript

Browser Object Model(BOM) refers to the objects provided by the web browser for manipulating properties and objects associated with it. The objects and properties provided by the Browser…

Closures in JavaScript

A closure can be defined as a JavaScript feature in which the inner function has access to the outer function variable. In JavaScript, every time a closure is…

JavaScript Scopes Explained

If you have written even a single line of JavaScript code then you have used one of the four scopes of JavaScript without even realizing it. These…