JavaScript Popup Boxes

 JavaScript has some built-in methods or functions for displaying popup messages for various purposes. So, without further delay; let’s learn about JavaScript popup boxes.

JavaScript Popup Boxes

JavaScript Popup boxes are used in JavaScript to display information or messages to the user on your website. It is also known as a dialogue box.

You can use a popup box to show some alert or warning message, take confirmation from the user and get input from the user. The user cannot proceed to see other web pages or perform some actions on your site until the popup box is closed by him.

Types of Popup boxes in JavaScript

Alert Box

An alert box is the first type of JavaScript Popup Boxes. This popup or dialog box is used to display an alert or warning message to the user. To proceed, the user must click “OK.”
We use the alert() method of the window object to show an alert dialog box in JavaScript.


Confirm Box

A confirm box is the second type of JavaScript Popup Boxes. It is a popup box used to get permission or confirmation from the user. There are two buttons in the confirm box: “OK” and “Cancel”. To continue, the user must select either “OK” or “Cancel”. It returns true if the user clicks on the “OK” button, otherwise, then false is returned.

In JavaScript, we use the window’s object confirm() method to take consent from the user.


Prompt Box

A Prompt box is the third type of JavaScript Popup Boxes. It is a dialog or popup box which is used to get some input from the user before allowing them to move on to the next step. This popup box has an input field, “OK” and “Cancel” buttons.

We use the prompt() method of the window object in JavaScript to take input from the user. The prompt() method takes two parameters: the message you want to display and the default value. The value returned by prompt() is stored in a variable and used to execute some action.

window.prompt(your message,default_value)
prompt(your message,default_value)
The default_value parameter is optional.


  • The JavaScript Popup Boxes is also called a dialog box.
  • An alert box is used to display a popup message to the user. It has only an “OK” button.
  • A confirm box is used to take the user’s confirmation or consent to perform the next step. It has two buttons: ”OK” and “Cancel”.
  • A prompt box is a kind of pop-up box that is used to get the user input for future use. It has an input field, “OK” and “Cancel” buttons.

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