What Is an HTML Entity?

HTML entities are the reserved characters that are used in the HTML document. They are not present in your standard keyboard. They provide a wide range of characters, allowing you to add icons, geometric shapes, mathematical operators, and so on.

Symbol Entities

ResultDescriptionEntity NameNumber Code
¡inverted exclamation mark¡ 
«angle quotation mark (left)««
¿inverted question mark¿¿

Character Entities

ResultDescriptionEntity NameNumber Code
Àcapital a, grave accentÀÀ
Æcapital aeÆÆ
Çcapital c, cedillaÇÇ
Ècapital e, grave accentÈÈ
Ìcapital i, grave accentÌÌ
Ðcapital eth, IcelandicÐÐ
Ñcapital n, tildeÑÑ
ßsmall sharp s, Germanßß
æsmall aeææ

Other Entities Supported By HTML Browser

ResultDescriptionEntity NameNumber Code
Œcapital ligature OEŒŒ
Šcapital S with caronŠŠ
Ÿcapital Y with diaeresisŸŸ
double dagger‡‡


With this, we have covered a basic look into the scope and features of HTML entities. By going through this article, you’ve gained a broader understanding of HTML entities and a better insight into how you can add symbols that are not on your keyboard.

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