Should I write my script in the body or the head of the HTML?

In HTML, the script tag can be inserted either in head section or in body section, generally the java script code is inserted between script open and…

What is the difference between height and line-height?

Height is the vertical measurement of the container, for example, height of a div. Line-height is a CSS property to specify the line height i.e. the distance…

How to define functions inside a function body in JavaScript?

To achieve what you want, use JavaScript Closures. A closure is a function, which uses the scope in which it was declared when invoked. It is not…

Are there constants in JavaScript?

Yes, Constants exist in JavaScript. We use the keyword const for constants. The value of const remains the same; you cannot change and declare it again. Create…

What are increment (++) and decrement (–) operator in JavaScript?

Increment The increment operator increases an integer value by one. Here’s an example where the value of a is incremented twice using the increment operator twice Example…

How to generate random whole numbers in JavaScript in a specific range?

JavaScript has many built-in methods for working with numbers and performing mathematical calculations. One of those methods is the Math.random() method. To generate a random number, use the JavaScript…

What is NaN in JavaScript?

NaN is nothing more than a property of the global object which stands for Not a Number. It is mainly used to check whether the entered value is…

What does “javascript:void(0)” mean?

In English, void means nothing. In a programming language, void means return nothing. “javascript: void(0)” is similar to void. javascript: void(0) means return undefined as a primitive…

Where should I place JavaScript in an HTML file?

JavaScript can be implemented using JavaScript statements that are placed within the <script>… </script>. To place JavaScript in an HTML file, use the <script>…</script> tag. You can…

When should I use an Inline script and when to use external JavaScript file?

To enhance performance, try to keep JavaScript external. The separate code makes it easier for web browsers to cache. However, use inline scripts only when you’re making…