Type Conversion in JavaScript

In JavaScript, values may be of different types. Changing the type of a variable can be done by explicit type conversion. JavaScript does not have a construct to cast into a…

Set & Map in JavaScript

Set and Map are two built-in data structures in JavaScript that provide efficient ways to store and manipulate collections of data. Set:  A Set is an unordered collection of unique elements.…

JavaScript for…of vs for…in Loops

In JavaScript, the difference between for…of loop and a for…in loop is that: A for…of loop works for arrays (and similar iterables) and loops through the values. A for…in loop works…

JavaScript – Events

What is an Event ? JavaScript's interaction with HTML is handled through events that occur when the user or the browser manipulates a page. When the page loads, it is…

JavaScript Comment

A JavaScript comment is a powerful programming construct to explain complex code blocks, what they do, and why they were implemented in a particular way. As systems and websites evolve,…

JavaScript Modules

JavaScript modules are independent chunks of code that may be imported and exported as necessary and help to encapsulate (enclose) code functionality. We can divide our codebase into independent files…

Error handling in JavaScript

JavaScript is a loosely-typed language. It does not give compile-time errors. So some times you will get a runtime error for accessing an undefined variable or calling undefined function etc.…

Reserved words in JavaScript

Reserved words of the JavaScript language are listed below. (Some of these words are actually used in the Java language, and are reserved in JavaScript for compatibility purposes or as…

JavaScript: Switch vs. If Else

A switch statement is usually more efficient than a set of nested ifs. When you have to choose which one to use, it’s based on readability and the expression that…

Operators In JavaScript 

The concept of Operators is present in almost all programming languages present in today's world. Operators are used to perform certain operations.  What Is an Operator? In simple terms, an operator refers…