Interesting facts about JSON

JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation, basically, JSON is frequently used with JavaScript, it was initially meant to be a subset of the JavaScript programming language. However, JSON is a…

Using JSX in React.js

JSX is like a template language with Power of JavaScript. It helps in creating the react elements. It’s an extension of JavaScript to include UI elements. Example let message =…

Creating functional components in React.js

Components are building blocks of React library. There are two types of components. Stateful component Stateless component Stateful component has a local state object which can be manipulated internally. Stateless…

useContext Hook in React

When managing data between parent and child components, React gives us the ability to use something known as props to pass data down from parent to child. Props can only flow in…

useEffect Hook in React

 This tutorial will cover, What are hooks in react? What is useEffect hook in ReactJS? And an example of useEffect React hooks. useEffect Hook: You can perform side effects in…

useState Hook in React

Introduction The useState Hook allows functional components to have state variables. This function accepts the initial state as input parameters, returns a value reflecting the current state (which is not…

Latest React Frontend Interview Questions

React has become one of the most popular JavaScript libraries for building user interfaces, and employers often focus on assessing a candidate's understanding of React's core concepts, best practices, and…