React Pagination and Search example

Install this package in your project : npm install react-paginate import { useState, useEffect } from "react"; import swal from "sweetalert"; import ReactPaginate from "react-paginate"; const Myhome = () =>{…

Fragments in React.

React Fragments offer businesses a number of advantages, including improved component organization, enhanced performance, cleaner markup, flexibility, reusability, improved accessibility, smoother component updates, and a better developer experience. React Fragment…

Render JSX Conditionally in React

Rendering JSX conditionally is a very common and essential work in React. There are 4 ways in which we can render JSX conditionally in React: Ternary Operator Logical Operator if,…

Difference between useMemo and useCallback

In React, useMemo and usecallback are Hooks that help optimize the performance by memoizing values. They both accept a function as an argument and return a memoized version of the function. useMemo React useMemo is a…

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)

What is JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)? JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a text-based, human-readable data interchange format used to exchange data between web clients and web servers. The format defines a set…

Introduction To React Hooks

What are Hooks in React? React hooks are a collection of functions that empower developers to leverage state and other React feature within functional components. The advent of Hooks revolutionized this paradigm…

Lifecycle of Components In React.

React's component-based architecture enables us to develop reusable and interactive user interface components. It provides lifecycle methods as part of this system, allowing us to do specified activities at various…