What is a ternary operator (?:) in JavaScript?

The conditional operator or ternary operator first evaluates an expression for a true or false value and then executes one of the two given statements depending upon…

What is the difference between i++ and ++i in JavaScript?

++i returns the value of an after it has been incremented. It is a pre-increment operator since ++ comes before the operand. i++ returns the value of…

Why is using the JavaScript eval() function a bad idea?

The JavaScript eval() is used to execute an argument. The code gets execute slower when the eval() method is used. It also has security implementations since it…

How to use setInterval function call in JavaScript?

The setInterval() method in JavaScript evaluates an expression at intervals. It is used to perform the repetitive tasks or operations that need to be performed in a…

What are the latest operators added to JavaScript?

The latest operators added to JavaScript are spread operator and rest. Rest operator With rest parameter, you can represent number of arguments as an array. ES6 brought…

What is the use of return statement inside a function in JavaScript?

The “return” statement in JavaScript mentions a value, which you like to return. Inside a function, the value is returned to the function caller. Example You can…

Should I write my script in the body or the head of the HTML?

In HTML, the script tag can be inserted either in head section or in body section, generally the java script code is inserted between script open and…

What is the difference between height and line-height?

Height is the vertical measurement of the container, for example, height of a div. Line-height is a CSS property to specify the line height i.e. the distance…

How to define functions inside a function body in JavaScript?

To achieve what you want, use JavaScript Closures. A closure is a function, which uses the scope in which it was declared when invoked. It is not…

Are there constants in JavaScript?

Yes, Constants exist in JavaScript. We use the keyword const for constants. The value of const remains the same; you cannot change and declare it again. Create…